Sale #41

Sunday August 27, 2023
Showing 51 - 60 items of 272

Palestine stamps E.E.F. & Mandate Stamps

Lot #: 49

Palestine Stamps - 1930s Town Of Ramle. Official municipal revenue stamps. 3 vertical pairs with values of 2 Mil, 3 Mil & 10 Mil (Unlisted in the Wallerstein revenue Catalog). MNH, VF & very scarce

Start Price: $40

Palestine Postal History, Documents and Misc. items

Lot #: 50

Palestine Postal History - Picture postcard with view of Jerusalem street, mailed by the American Colony Store Jerusalem to British military personal in Palestine. Franked 5 Mil (Bale #4), tied by APO SZ44 p/m dated April 13 1918 (Early usage for the stamp). The card is in excellent condition.

Start Price: $40
Lot #: 51

Palestine Postal History - August 1 1919 Large cover (274mm x 120mm) mailed by the American Consulate in Jerusalem to secretary of State in Washington D.C  USA . Very rare multi rate franking of x6  1 Piastre stamps & x2  2mil stamps (all typograph issue) for total of 64 Mil. 10mil for basic letter rate plus additional 90 Grams (9 weights at 6 Mil each). Stamps tied by Jerusalem O.E.T.A EEF single circle postmarks. Consulate wax seals on back. Cover with some wrinkles on sides, otherwise F-VF exhibit showpiece cover.

Start Price: $400
Lot #: 52

Palestine Postal History - March 7 1919 Registered cover mailed from Jerusalem to British military Cairo Egypt. Franked 9 Piastre Typograh issued stamp tied by OETA-EEF Jerusalem p/ms repeated on back alongside arrival p/m FPO SZ10 (Cairo). VF.

Start Price: $30
Lot #: 53

Palestine Postal History - Zeppelin Flight postcard from Alexandria Egypt to Jerusalem. Franked 27 Mils stamp, overprinted 50 Mils, tied by Egyptian Graf Zeppelin postmark of Alexandria dated May 7 1931 alongside Red Pyramid zeppelin cachet & Jerusalem arrival p/m 7 May 1931. Back side  view of the airship Graf Zeppelin with one this spot at right & hinge on left. F-VF & Scarce.

Start Price: $75
Lot #: 54

Palestine Postal History - Zeppelin flight cover from Port Said Egypt to Jerusalem Palestine. Franked 27 Mil stamp overprinted 100 Mils, tied by Port Said Graf Zeppelin p/m dated 10 April 1931 alongside Red Pyramid cachet. Back side with Jerusalem machine cancel arrival p/m 13 April 1931. VF & scarce.

Start Price: $175
Lot #: 55

Palestine Postal History - Jerusalem Dec. 23 1936 Parcel card mailed to the USA. Franked total of 195 Mils. Parcel postmark on reverse. VF.

Start Price: $75
Lot #: 56

Palestine Postal History - Jerusalem March 4 1930 Parcel card mailed to the USA. Franked total of 340 Mils. with Egyptian transit postmarks of Port Said & Alexandria on back. VF.

Start Price: $100
Lot #: 57

Palestine Jordan West bank Postal History - September 4 1950 air mail cover from Bethlehem to Valletta Malta, frank 120 Mils Jordanian stamps overprinted Palestine. AV2 handstamp on front. Beyrouth Lebanon machine cancel transit p/m on back Sept.9 alongside Malta ar/pm Seopt.12 1950. One 20 Mil stamp with small corner fault due to placement, otherwise F-VF scarce dispatch to scarce destination.

Start Price: $40
Lot #: 58

Palestine Postal History -  May 14 1919  long size cover mailed from the American Red Cross in Jerusalem to USA. Frank 1 Piastre Typograph stamp tied by single circle p/m OETA - Jerusalem. F-VF.

Start Price: $30